DYI Decor :)

Earlier this year I bought this Love plaque at the thrift store, whenever I got it was painted nice but wasn't my style. However I did not get the before picture, just the picture after I painted it white:

Also at this time I was working on scrapbooking my wedding pictures and had a bunch of leftover pieces of paper:

So with the white love plaque and the scraps of paper, I took some Mod Podge (which i had never used before, if you do use it, i recommend that you wear old clothes cause it doesn't come off that!) and used it to glue on the scraps of paper :)

The finished product!!

Happy Mothers Day!!

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Would just like to wish all the Mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day!!

I, myself have the bestest mother that anyone could ask for and am very blessed to have her in my life!
Love you mommy! :)

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