Why I'm So Glad to be Moving!

  1. More space
  2. A yard for the dogs
  3. Not as close to creepy people
  4. Pretty sure the house across the street sells drugs
  5. I can decorate anyway I want
  6. Hopefully no more creepers watching me as I walk the dogs
  7. SPACE!
  8. I can have people over and actually entertain
  9. No more lugging the groceries up steps
  10. Being able to have a sit down meal at an actual table
  11. I could put a Christmas tree in more then one room, not that i will. :)
  12. Not having to squeeze in between the washer & dryer in the hallway anymore
  13. Our own parking spaces, no more parallel parking
  14. Having room to spread out my crafts/scrap booking
  15. Room to exercise (cause i do that so often lol)
  16. A kitchen that isn't the size of a closet :)
  17. I can have a dishwasher!
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