My Favorite Scary Movies

Thought that since its almost Halloween I would make a list of my favorite scary movies, I love scary movies, I especially enjoying watching them with my sister :) we sit there and scream and hold hands ;) my favorites are below, (they are all mostly recent, haven't seen alot of the 'classics')

The Ring

The Ring Two (not as great as the first but seconds never are)


Drag me to hell (this one makes me laugh too)

The sixth sense

Case 39

Honorable mentions:

House of wax (Paris Hilton dies, thats all i need to say)

The crazies

The stepfather (the newer one)

The must haves for a scary movie?
Rain/thunder storm
Darkness (of course)
A best friend
A love interest
A basement
A parking garage
A bathtub
Personal camcorder
Freaky animal

Busy busy

Last week was crazy busy, i worked five days at club and three at the craft store. Sunday Nate and I got to spend some time together and time with family, Nate works anywhere from 40-80 hours a week until layoff so we don't always get to spend alot of time together.

Today I have been cleaning like crazy, its amazing how stuff can pile up in one week, actually it might be more like one and a half (shhhhh, don't tell). So far I have cleaned the bedroom, bathroom, done two loads of laundry, cleaned the bulletin board up, gone through bills, and cleaned out my purse.....yayness for things looking clean. My hours have been cut this week so I really want to focus on cleaning more (theres a couple boxes of things i need to find homes for), continue to decorate the house (I have managed to do some, a couple of weeks ago i completed my picture wall which turned out really good), and just try to organize things all around.

I also need to purchase birthday presents and wrap the ones I have, Nate is turning 23 on Nov 4th, my little brother is turning 13 on Nov 7th and my sister 25 on the 9th, so its just one big birthday week :)
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