So I wish I could say that we have everything moved into our new place.....
but we don't.
Because we didn't close yesterday as planned.
Long story short, the bank didn't get their paperwork done in time.
We will NEVER be dealing with them again, EVER!
Not only did the both of us take time off of work, we also had a truck booked, people ready to help us and a whole weekend to get everything done.
Now we are cramming that whole weekend into a Monday. One little lonely Monday.
We have five days to get everything over to the new house, clean the old apartment and do the walk-through with the landlord. Yay.
I wish I could say that I am taking this all with a grain of salt, but I'm not.
I'm dealing better with it today, cause what else am I going to do? lol
So anyway everything should be going down on Monday.....hopefully :)