Yes, No, Maybe, So......

So I wish I could say that we have everything moved into our new place.....

but we don't.

Because we didn't close yesterday as planned.

Long story short, the bank didn't get their paperwork done in time.


We will NEVER be dealing with them again, EVER!

Not only did the both of us take time off of work, we also had a truck booked, people ready to help us and a whole weekend to get everything done.

Now we are cramming that whole weekend into a Monday. One little lonely Monday.

We have five days to get everything over to the new house, clean the old apartment and do the walk-through with the landlord. Yay.

I wish I could say that I am taking this all with a grain of salt, but I'm not.

I'm dealing better with it today, cause what else am I going to do? lol

So anyway everything should be going down on Monday.....hopefully :)

What I am Learning about Packing

  • You can never have enough packing tape. I have used about 4 rolls so far.
  • Things never fit in a box the way you want them too.
  • As soon as you tape a box close you will find something that you forgot to put it.
  • Setting a box on the bed and packing into it may seem like a good idea until you try to move the box.
  • I will definitely be visiting the chiropractor after moving all of these boxes.
  • I am not as great a duster as I thought I as.
  • Some stuff is hard to throw away and some stuff is easy too.
  • I had this great idea to number each box and take a pic of what was in the box and i could refer back to the number.....and then i realized how much time that would take and I decided against it.
  • Sharpie markers are your friend.
  • If you decide to write 'CG' on a box you better remember what 'CG' stands for.
  • In a small apartment its not so much the packing, but where you put the boxes after packing.
  • My poor dogs are so tired of jumping over and sneaking around boxes

Why I'm So Glad to be Moving!

  1. More space
  2. A yard for the dogs
  3. Not as close to creepy people
  4. Pretty sure the house across the street sells drugs
  5. I can decorate anyway I want
  6. Hopefully no more creepers watching me as I walk the dogs
  7. SPACE!
  8. I can have people over and actually entertain
  9. No more lugging the groceries up steps
  10. Being able to have a sit down meal at an actual table
  11. I could put a Christmas tree in more then one room, not that i will. :)
  12. Not having to squeeze in between the washer & dryer in the hallway anymore
  13. Our own parking spaces, no more parallel parking
  14. Having room to spread out my crafts/scrap booking
  15. Room to exercise (cause i do that so often lol)
  16. A kitchen that isn't the size of a closet :)
  17. I can have a dishwasher!

2 weeks!!

I am soooo excited to be moving!! Our closing date is two weeks from today!! Woooohooooo!!

And  I have started packing.

It stinks.

I have forgotten how much I despise packing.

Its just so............NEVER ENDING

Honestly I didn't think that we had so much, and I know that we really don't, but it just seems to be taking awhile to put it all in boxes.

I have been trying to pack one or two boxes here and there, whenever i have time, in between jobs, on weekends, half days off, and at night :)

I am reminded of all the times I have moved with my family and the times that Nate has moved and I don't miss it at all.

BUT it will all be worth it once we are in the house.

And then i can unpack!!! :)

Fallingwater Visit

Last week a good friend and i took a trip to Fallingwater,
we had been meaning to go for some time and decided we should
go before the weather starts to get cold. This is on
my 20 before 25 list and i was very anxious to see it.

Isn't it beautiful?
i mean fallingwater ;)
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