Stepping Stones

I have been longing to make stepping stones for a while now. Months ago I spotted some molds and colors on clearance at Jo-anns and snatched them up, however when I went to the local Jo-anns for the mix they didn't have it. Oh, and it was coupon commotion so I had a ton of coupons but nothing I really needed......or wanted ;)

Lucky for me, there is another Jo-anns by where my sister lives which is only around a half an hour drive. They were around $7 a box and I used coupons. I wanted to decorated them really nice and make them colorful, however the mosaic glass pieces that they carried were around $10, even with a coupon I thought that was too much. So I went to the Good-Will and purchased a couple plates and a coffee mug that I then smashed up to use.

I should also point that they these are for primarily decoration. Outside we have rocks on both sides of our house and they are currently there. The directions say to let sit for 24 hours and not step on them for at least two weeks. Also it is good to make these outside or with a window open due to the fumes from the mix.

This would be a great craft to do with kids!! Other then the smashing glass part ;)

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